Thursday, October 28, 2010
On a lighter note...
For happiness, click here.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The fact is, I'm having a hard time being patient right now. I'm so close to finishing school, but so scared of what the future holds for me. Where am I going to get an internship? What if I don't find a job? What if I don't get a job because I want to have a family? What if we can't afford to pay for a family? I want to go 10 years into the future when Daniel and I are both done with school and can actually spend time together. I want answers. I want solutions. I want. Want, want, want.
But this morning I woke up and started thinking about President Uchdtorf's talk on "Continue in Patience." I felt a little better thinking that maybe this is all for our own good. One day we'll look back on these days and think "Wow, we had it pretty good. Those days when things were simple." I looked up Pres. Uchtdorf's talk and this really hit me:
"Patience—the ability to put our desires on hold for a time—is a precious and rare virtue. We want what we want, and we want it now. Therefore, the very idea of patience may seem unpleasant and, at times, bitter.
Nevertheless, without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace."
Isn't that beautiful? He spoke right to my heart this morning. It's always hard when you are going through a particular trial or set of trials to see hope. Or to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I get so selfish, so stuck on my own problems that it makes me sad. Sad, that I would even do such a thing. I have so much to offer if I only would stop being so selfish sometimes. I need to offer words of encouragement. Say thank you, not only to my Heavenly Father for what I have, but to thank those around me who make every day worth living.
How grateful I am to have such inspired leaders! For those who have traveled down the rocky path already and who can look back and help others with their wisdom. I'm grateful that I belong to such a great Church and have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for the truth that has been restored. I'm grateful for the scriptures, the Temple, and for eternal families.
So for those of you who are going through a situation that is trying your patience, don't lose hope. Tomorrow is a brighter day, and the future is even brighter. Keep doing your best. Everything will work out. Maybe not how you wanted it to, but better than you imagined.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Pirates and Doughnuts
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Alright, enough of that. I finally uploaded my pictures for this month so far and decided it was time to blog about them. They're too good not to.
Conference weekend, was absolutely wonderful. Not only were the talks given by the divinely inspired exquisite, but I loved being with the family, and making these:
For the Sunday morning session my kind brother invited us over for breakfast. My sister-in-law made stuffed french toast, and needless to say, I had more than one. Daniel took the chance to play with his little niece in her part of the basement. You have to understand that Halle is the only girl amongst her 3 brothers so she gets left out and has to play alone. Daniel was sweet enough to play "grocery store" with her and even dressed up to fit in with the pink and purple toys.
My cousin asked me to do a cake for her baby's blessing the weekend after conference, for which I was absolutely excited to do. I just wish I wasn't in school so I could have more time for the process. Since I was busy all week, I didn't get started until Saturday morning. Let's just say it was a long day and night. But totally worth it. Here's my trusty assistant who is at my side in an instant, despite his load of homework. He's truly wonderful.
This last weekend we were able to go to St. George and visit both the parentals. It was glorious, besides the homework part. We saw a lot of old friends, worked hard, and ate well. Daniel's mom was kind enough to make some caramel apples with me. She is one of the best cooks and I was excited that she was going to show me some tricks of the trade. They turned out absolutely delicious! Take a look!
I was having a rough day on Saturday while helping my mom at the chocolate factory, so when I got back, Daniel had these waiting for me.
Anyways, it's been a busy busy time in our lives as of late. I feel like I'm running a million miles an hour and I don't have time to even go grocery shopping. I can't wait to graduate!!! I want a life where I can concentrate on taking care of my husband and feeding ourselves. My body isn't handling this terrible diet anymore. I'm going to write a post about that later. Let's just say I have some life changing decisions to make. It's time for some self control, and figuring out my highest priorities in life. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The three most important words
Friday, October 8, 2010
Five months and counting!
I'm hoping to get him to splurge on some Wendy's to celebrate. (And yes, I know 5 month anniversarys aren't that big of a deal, but I like to celebrate whenever I can.)
This thought also came to me while writing this post: I don't regret how fast we started dating, and then how fast we got engaged. Not one bit. I know there are people out there that just can't believe you can get to know someone enough in 2-3 months time to be their eternal companions (me included, before I met Daniel), but they're wrong. The moment I started dating Daniel, I felt like I had known him forever (But not in the cheesy Saturday's Warrior kinda way). I was at the point in life when I met Daniel that I was just going to settle because I didn't believe the kind of love Daniel and I have now was real. So when I found him, I tried to keep him. Although, he does admit that when I went crazy on him one night (for those who know me, you know that I go into crazy moods where I say funny things, make funny noises, contort my face, and act like I'm drunk. This is what I like to call "slappy.") he started to have second thoughts about saying "I love you." But he looked past my crazy corks and faults and still loved me.
The end. (well until I can come up with something else to blog about.)